units fight down to the last 20/30% generally i seen DIE - slowed combat.
No offense to Radius, I used his mods for Shogun 2, but here in Rome, I definately prefer Divide et Impera. Radious or Divide et Impera? Lord Damian Member Posts: 51 Registered Users. Every faction is basically the same minus some extra or less units down the axe/spear/pike/sword lines depending on the faction's 'strengths'.I doubt I'll get to see everything the mod has to offer in a few turns on the GC. First thing I noticed was none of the factions expect rome seem to have any badass looking elite units. I've been mucking around in the unit rosters of the custom battle mode with the Divide et Impera mod active to try to figure out what faction to play as.Then I started to try to figure out what's good against what. Welcome to!A subreddit for all of those who love the Total War series.