How would I go about doing that? Is there a way to delay the spawning of units at mission start when using an editor placed Spawn AI Module?Ī simple trigger delayed by countDown, condition set to truelinked to your module, should do the trick. Now this is just for AI not player respawns. Maybe someone can figure it out? Then the side that controls the sector can utilize the synchronized spawn points near that sector. Set up a trigger say timeout at which is about 5 minutes. You want it to stop so you can go do something else. Say you have a hold sector for X amount of times. Another note that most may not have figured out. It can be a really powerful module so I'd like to see it explored more by people who get how to do this stuff much better than I do. I've been asking about this in the UPSMON thread but I have had trouble finding any sort of documentation for this module that I think it may warrant its own thread. I have a very basic understanding of scripting and and all that stuff, so I could be missing something obvious but my understanding is that the expression field should be doing it.
I've been trying to figure this module out for the last few days - mostly, I cannot figure out how to modify a unit or a group's initialization code when they are spawned from this module.